Um, have you seen this society? Who would not succumb! Yeah okay I'm not doing 100% well and I don't really care about hiding it anymore at this rate.
Anyway, I feel like I have done well in coping for my life situation, but not well for where I should be in life objectively.
I hope it's important to you that working together and mutually sharing help is good, even if you have disagreements with the person elsewhere. Um it's really sad I have to write that basic thing.
Could call me a puzzle content creator, designer, composer, 'programmer', 'writer',
'frontend web designer' like I have put any effort into web design
but I think of myself as a systematicpotentialinfinitummachine. wait no that's too pretentious delete it delete it stop sto pstop stop i strive for being perfect yet i'm clearly so flawed
Unintentional Content Creator
This all started when I wanted to store my playthrough of Baba Is You: New Adventures (free basegame expansion for Baba Is You) and then I just kept daily uploads going, because why not?
Now, I've been uploading daily puzzle game content for over 2 years, which apparently >40k subscribers are interested in!
I have tons of videos that randomly get 100k+ or 500k+ views for some reason (a "games that get more cursed" series that showcases interesting tons of game variants hits this often!).
I also love showing off obscure games, it's also so awesome to seeing devs and levelpack makers occasionally pop up in the comments!
I also appreciate hearing anyone who has found a new favorite obscure game through my videos. Here are some things I loved showcasing:
Once every 4 days (used to be every 2 days) I post a Baba related project. I've got to see some incredibly creative stuff in this community!
Metatatext: One of the levelpacks I would consider "Baba Is You official sequel/expansion" material, it is a levelpack that explores metatext which references specific text. In the basegame, targets . But metatext: targets . This also means there are infinite layers of metatext and new types of possible structures. This pack explores it very well!
The Mega Modpack (not a video link!) is a mashup of tons of different modded properties, which levelpack creators explored in Modded Medley and later Nimi's Garden. There's so many unique words and interactions in these. Sadly, Nimi's Garden has some overarching meta thing that I never finished...
Word Scramble: A pack that goes all-in with interpretations such as BEE = B, then adds tons of twists and recursive obfuscations to them. This is a 3-part series, and by the end, there is a huge sense that Baba has gone way too far off the deep end.
This is one of my series with an utterly insane viewcount somehow, with 177k views, the series has almost 300k views total, don't know how that happened.
olie's levelpacks(playthroughs and playlist link here) have awesome mechanics as well as custom music and art (and for Everypence, story)! This was also the first time I saw custom mechanics implemented with hidden text - basically a way to implement custom behavior with perfect illusions implemented behind the scenes, no code involved.
My favorite is Letters+ for it was one of the first levelpacks I ever played and is hugely "sequel to Baba" material. It takes the mechanic of letters from the basegame and multiple worlds that explore double-reading, abbreviations, heiroglyphics, a meta layer, and rotation and the LETTER property at the end. In particular, one moment in the meta world using the extra levels A/B/C is godly and HOW DID THE MAINGAME NEVER DO THAT???? Anyway, I really loved it. This pack also has the legend of having multiple fanpacks, by 3 different creators, who were all super inspired by it.
hutthutthutt's levelpacks(playthroughs and playlist link here) have so, so many great concepts! I think in some of the older packs there was a very occasional amount of obscure-interactions sometimes though. This is someone who's been making levelpacks for a while - many of them even take inspiration or concepts from paper puzzle genres and rule discovery style games, which is really cool to see. (hutt3 also made the large Modded Medley pack linked above.)
My favorite is Edit The Levels - a pack where you can use the level editor, under very specific circumstances, and there are different tile types where you can place an object there, or swap objects, it's really great!
Shake Well's levelpacks(playthroughs and playlist link here) are always something incredibly unique and bounds-pushing, even if it leads to a few obtuse solve paths, and it's SUPER impressive that Shake Well has made so many levelpacks that are all so different. Also a composer and some of the levelpacks have original music!
My favorite is Court of the Competition: the most unique play on a theme I have ever seen: this was for a "Flip the Script" levelpack competition, and this pack is literally about the player 'judging' levels (levels made by characters in-universe), and the first time I ever saw dialogue boxes in a pack. Then Shake Well dropped an incredibly quick sequel which parodied OTHER PEOPLE'S SUBMITTED COMPETITION ENTRIES WHILE THE COMPETITION WAS STILL HAPPENING!!! This is like world-class interpretation of the theme.
Randomiser created a lot of packs I played early on in my channel (and is still active in the community!). The puzzles are absolutely well made, but oh my god, they are incredibly difficult.
My favorite is Persistence (download link, not playthrough)... I'm not proud of my old playthrough on it. It's about PERSIST which allows you to keep an object between levels (as long as you're not just exiting the level). This pack is hard, intricate and easy to screw up, and obviously the way it is, it's not easy to undo and sometimes not easy to see what to do next. But it's still an incredible pack.
ACB's levelpacks(playthroughs and playlist link here) all involve custom code. Not super difficult, and I slightly wish they could be expanded more, but still really innovative, and also has made stuff entirely referencing some of my channel memes.
My favorite is Is Baba You? which adds questions to Baba Is You by reordering statements. 2/3s of this pack are released as of now.
NOT A PACK: This pack takes the "NOT" prefix and turns it into a property. It takes a while to get to the reveal, and it's almost horror-adjacent (but not jumpscare-horror). Same creator would also later make Tree of Skills which implements a metroidvania-esque skill system!
114k views somehow
Alphons Allstars: This pack is so clever and original! It definitely has worlds in genres that I've seen before in custom Baba land, but has creative and original takes on each - there is a Baba arcade, a troll world, and new mechanics all throughout.
The Most Broken Custom Level Ever Made: This puzzle designer (axerity) was someone who I previously knew (and had the reputation of) tons of small elegant levels, often surprisingly difficult. I ruined this reputation by cheesing (beating in an unintended way) a level called Planetary Travel 5 times, and now axerity gets recognized in random places purely due to this cheese disaster ONLY (lmao).
CreatoRMage's levelpacks have an incredibly large vibe to them. The two ones sticking out to me are:
The Scroll was made for a competition with a 10 level maximum, but fills these levels with multiple secrets and knowledge-gates. Okay I swear like 3 or 4 clues manage to not get used properly because even after you 'beat' the pack there's like a 2nd ARG ending? Actually insane.
Lights Off is basically a full rule-discovery game in the style of The Witness or Taiji - closest to an "open-world" Baba pack with symbols and some shortcuts.
Baba Is You Developer's Other Games: The Baba Is You developer has made tons of smaller games as well, also with surprising hidden reveals and cool moments. Some of them are even weird spinoffs of Baba Is You, like the one where
there is no grid.
This small list does not do justice to it! My Baba playlist is like 200+ videos long. There are also smaller playlists such as:
Individual Customs: I don't do this anymore, and changing from uploading individual levels to levelpacks was definitely a good choice for the channel, but there were some genius single-levels that I showcased before.
Misc. Baba Content which contains some challenge runs (yes you can do challenge runs in Baba) such as beating the game when ALL IS WORD or ALL IS SLIDE. Or the one where Baba cannot stop saying Baba. Some of the alt solutions you're forced to do in these challenges are incredibly shocking that they exist.
Unintentional Composer
I have been composing music for a really long time, though things really started going at 2017. (I never intended to be a composer at any point in my life. Fact: Talents are luck-based.)
I do not know when or if I will share much of my music in standalone form. This is because I metaphorically bash my head into a table daily. But here's some of the ones that are public...
Music playlist!: This intentionally does not contain my top 20 pieces of music. well except Rose at Sunset is a little bit too good to be in there, but that's literally accidental lmao
Baba Custom Music: For one of my competition levelpacks I created an ambient-ish track that's kind of a weakened edition of one of my snow tracks To The Top but umm it was fun to make custom music for a pack.
Far more obscure (and I didn't even make a public video out of it) was the Skull Room track I did, which is actually the stealthiest of stealth remixes (it's an instrument-swap of the maingame Garden track).
Lockpick Finale: This is a lyrics-finale for a puzzle game with an interesting development history. Occasionally I create projects named "Scrap3", "Scrap4", etc. Well, this track was based on Scraps 3 through 7, all made in 2016, not even intended to be in the same track. I revisited them 6 years later in 2022, to combine them all into a glorious finale! Unfortunately lyrics are a lot of work. I also have the recording of making this track in 1 hour...
Ghost Trick Fan Music: Ghost Trick is a fantastic mystery visual novel with incredible gameplay/story integration, I actually made multiple fan tracks for this game (but this is the only posted one). This track is an intense different take on the "4 minutes before death" theme, and is really two tracks in one.
Lingo 2: I look forward to my soundtrack releasing. One track has been revealed but there's a lot more yet to release! I did go a bit more ambient for this soundtrack though.
Other stuff I did. There are no links because um, it's literally more effort for me to post the track than to make it. Unintentional composer remember????:
RPG Soundtrack in 2 Hours: Not publicly posted, but I made like 6 tracks in two hours, with a title/battle theme (composed in 7/4 lol), danger/tension theme, snow theme, dungeon, and final boss (this one was rather weak). If I was more of a motivated person I'd do this force-motivation more often since these are all pretty good tracks...
The 99 Minute Track: I once asked a friend to say a number between 10-99, and planned for that number to be how long to extend a boss battle track, to just externally prove that it's easy to extend a track with simple techniques and make it more loopable if you really want. ...the pick was 99. Took like 5 days maybe? Lots of great and unique moments were in that track, but there were many overly-repetitive moments of course. Still, I mean, I thought it was very possible and straightforward and I did it. Also the first time my music software crashed (it would later crash making the Lingo 2 soundtrack).
Ice and Snow Tracks: The reason my username is what it is, is because of my love for ice-themed tracks and also heavily thematically linked to my favorite trimes. My favorite tracks I've made are Ice Ind⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗, Snow⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗, To Th⊗ ⊗⊗⊗ :}
90 tracks for a chess variant: Not publicly posted, and I just wanted to make them even though I knew full well it was never going to be used in the contexts I imagined. But I made leitmotifs for Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen (of course, the Queen leitmotif combines the Bishop and Rook's, what did you expect) and there's a 6-minute track called The Unorthodoxy that combines the Knight/Bishop/Rook themes into one track too.
100 tracks for a mystery novel: Over the course of 5 years of being inspired by mystery novel scenarios, I have made my own oversized album inspired by mystery visual novel tracks...
Trime Codex / The Puzzle In My Avatar
Between like 2018-2019 I ragequit music theory because it didn't help (I wanted emotionally strong and memorable melodies vs. various chords and idea of chord progressions) and made the stupid music theory myself.
It now works too well, in that it might legitimately have reduced my appreciation for music in some ways (because I now see many tracks as being the 'same', or much more compressed than they used to be - still, seeing all the connections in different tracks is interesting in its own way). So I paused developing it to its fullest extent and I also try to make some tracks that are unique and outside the things that I've already over-internalized.
Unfortunately I can't advertise myself this way and sell 5000 courses, music taste is sadly subjective!
Thank you to some of my wonderful musical friends I've known for over 5 years this way - I'll never forget you!: Flashfreeze (related: Miracle, Thaw), Crywake ★★★★★, Reunite ★★★★, Starwist ★★★★, Windup ★★★, Lament ★★★, Trailblaze ★★★, Splash ★★★ (related: Coast), Skyspike ★★★, Uplake ★★★★ (related: Rivere), Depths ★★★ (related: Delve), Breeze ★★★ (related: Bedrock), Trample ★★★, Umbrella ★★★, Spring* ★★★, Blossom* ★★★, Finaleap ★★, Spinstrike ★★, Ricochet ★★, Dance* ★★, Corefist ★★.
(Non-exhaustive list. Asterisk = not completely satisfied with name even after 5 years...)
Anyway yeah, if I taught/actually explained all this (not teased (I am 100% aware this is a beta teaser and not actually presented to give the direct clear information about it)) to 2017-self, it would increase the music composition skill of 2017-self by a lot.
Omnitwisting "Move Counters"
50 levels of increasing twists on the idea of "move counters": Play it here.
In puzzle communities, occasionally the concept of 'move counters' comes up as a bad lazy thing. This has become a community meme, and for some reason I felt super inspired, so in 2 days I created the first 35 levels and all the coding and concepts and sound. I'm usually not that inspired. Then I had to spend 3 more days adding new levels and concepts by frequent collaborator Chris Souvey and fixing bugs.
I'm super proud of this game! There are like 15+ incredible mechanical moments and twists and wordplay moments! Which is insane since I had no plans about this game even existing before then!
Seriously I cannot stress how ridiculous it is, this game shouldn't exist. I made it in part because a video-essay-like video I made about move counters only hit like 6-7 minutes of content... so obviously, making a 2 hour game (one unedited playthrough I saw) was the reasonable way to extend it.
A Minesweeper variant with a cursed twist, made for the Confounding Calendar (a sort-of game jam): Play it here.I also think it makes great use of the color scheme required for the jam (a blue-greyish color scheme + 1 custom color) that's not relevant though.
Sort of related, I have a Minesweeper playlist where I showcased tons of interesting Minesweeper variants, there's like 30 videos in this playlist. The first video on it has 575k views, pretty cool and unexpected and nice to see. I really capitalized on a Dumb Minesweeper Memes trend (not a recommended click) that got popular around the same time as well.
I'm also working on a minesweeper-with-guns shooter but programming takes a huge mental toll, especially because framerate and performance issues, I am not working on it at the moment.
I can't say much on this game without spoiling the twist(s) but yeah! I also have Chris Souvey to thank for the idea of the second route of the game that uses a different control scheme to do equivalent tricks. The game was previously not accessible for those with a trackpad.
This game was originally pitched/conceptualized as a multiplayer battle-royale, and unfortunately, it pivoted away from this, so I never got to play that potential genre of game that appealed to me... still proud of how much I accomplished, but, :frog:
The puzzle on the right is my favorite puzzle I've created in it, because it hides a secret second layer and second puzzle in an incredibly elegant way (shown in the video).
I still wonder what a puzzle battle royale would be, I remember writing tons of pages about what I'd imagine the game to be like before I worked there. It seems the genre would be niche, but damn I love thinking about it!
My Contribution to Lingo - The Best Word Puzzle Game
This video felt like the first time I saw "8000 views" and it actually felt like 8000 people probably saw it instead of being an inflated number. The creator credits this video as what got the ball rolling on the game being well known in puzzle realms, now there's so many people making tons of interesting custom extensions on the game rules and custom maps. Surreally, in like a year I'd see 12 steam friends picked it up too (I didn't message any of them specifically to talk about the game or anything!).
I feel really glad to have contributed to developing early ideas for mechanics (yellow top, brownblack representation being changed to be checkerboards, green middle/bottom distinction, lavender, etc.), made many guest puzzles and having a guest area in Lingo Level 2, and also making classic emojis and stickers (including this one, the "walcome buck" , which has been used like 30,000 times, which is 10 times more usage than the ACTUAL smiley that is in the game)
I also composed Lingo 2's soundtrack!
An oversized portion of stuff I did is Lingo maps, because I am serious about how much it expanded the idea and design space of word games.
The Icely Palace: a massive extension to basically every Lingo mechanic
The base game had 800 puzzles - this map has 1399, quite a large playtime!
This map is filled with new interpretations and puzzle sequences: checkerboards, new height levels, new side modifiers, as well as plays on initialisms, punctuation, and other things the base game didn't use.
Some puzzle sections still age really well to this day. The ones that take a very specific and unusual mechanical theme with specific 'reveal' moments aged the best, I think. The ERROR section, and the Sequence Room are ones that are my personal favorites and several people mentioning those as standout moments. Both showcased in video.
Probably the 'themed rooms', which were really recent in the base game at the time, aged the least well because so many maps used themed-answers afterwards.
The creator of Lingo played some of it and it influenced the base game (checkerboards and green middle/bottom height distinction were canonized in the main game).
History: Chris Souvey created Greenland, an alt-rules (the game's entire ruleset is different) map that is roughly about applying green to the whole map.
But the map name. How could there be a Greenland without an Iceland? So this was made in like an hour with its own set of alt rules (that's also really thematic: it's basically about applying blue) and an incredible punchline.
I'm really happy with this map, and it inspired many future maps (not by me!) to have Iceland-sections in them, such as: I Sage, I Cite, Deutschland, Island + AYE SITE, as well as Jade and Auburn and Iced Tea, all being "iceland as a block color" in slightly different ways.
Ice Height
Several months after Lingo Level 2's release, other map creators created a bunch of 'custom colors'... of varying quality. Ice Height is a map that's basically a massive parody on the entire custom color scene, mocking some of the redundant colors and color-claiming and overlap. In the second half, there's a massive twist that ripples through the entire map and it completely changes genres as the rules are consistent the whole way through.
The map starts as a parody of different 'heights' (Lingo has three "basegame" heights, and it's very hard to add more heights if you're being serious, but this map adds infinite heights of horribly weak depth).
"Museum" of custom colors, half suggested by Chris Souvey. (many of them would end up being reinvented by others unironically after this map's release somehow)
"Tinted Glass" modifier that intentionally tries to 'take' as much custom color space as possible while literally being 'weaker' than usual colors. This mechanic ends up being shockingly good actually, with unique and surprising behavior (some of the black top tinted glasses are fantastic).
The squiggleland reveal where none of the panels make any sense. Then, you go back to the starting room and it slowly dawns on you that it's an alt-rules map, and all the foreshadowing.
The entire second half of the map wrings out like 1.5 hours of potential from the secret true rule of the whole map.
TL;DR I made a short map with a bunch of execution of one concept in record time again, video talking about it here, basically recreating the insane burst of motivation I had when making Iceland.
One day, the Lingo 2 demo released, one of the things about it was its new sloped 'pedestal' design for the panels.
About a week later, Chris Souvey released a new map called "Bland" that made fun of it by mixing it with Greenland-esque rules.
In its description, Chris Souvey says "I invented -land maps". But wait, "-land" maps???
So I got straight back into action and made this map in like 40 minutes. (and then spent way more time than that screwing with bugfixes and edits...)
This map is basically a play on the multiple meanings of "-", which is partially used in Icely Palace but I really used way more of its potential here. Mentioned in the video also, the abdomen ⬌ bad omen ⬌ - ⬌ stingby12 relation is COMPLETELY INSANE that all 4 of those phrases are tied together and connected to this exact context.
Souvice (Lingo Jam Collaboration)
TL;DR Video: I Teamed Up With The Best Word Game Troll, where I teamed up with Chris Souvey to come up with a room that combined both of our individual collab rooms and still supported the theme ("Eyes Tell Lies").
What we made was: eyes as inverting color lasers. You can also rotate eyes, themed as "roll eyes".
We wrung a lot out of this idea, with tons of layered, environmental, interesting puzzles, involving rotating doors and auto-rotating stuff and slicing. References to stuff in my channel are also in it!
I did none of the coding or actual block placing (just discussed and developed ideas and puzzles, definitely was the lazy one in this collab) and yet Chris Souvey credits me gracefully anyway. Don't worry, I paid for this laziness when I made the Move Counters game, where Chris Souvey spammed me with amazing ideas and I had to do all the coding and level design to implement them.
Other Lingo Maps
There are other Lingo maps I have made, but I'm still proud of them all, as they're all doing something unique:
Fun Happy Bubblegum Land is a small meme map to showcase a two-block jump exploit which still works to this day. It also has a fakeout expectation in its thumbnail.
Ice Teal introduces two colors Ice and Teal, but also the name puns the massive amount of 'stealing' in the map (its main, difficult-to-understand mechanic, is a mashup of multiple other mapmakers' work into one mechanic milvanis' pink/salmone, Leaving Leaves' This Tract, Shinkai's glass heights, credited in the post of course). There are some awesome puzzles in here, though it's not the most accessible thing!
Brassland introduces brass and changes its bottom-brass meaning to something a lot more consistent (in my opinion), that I have been called the "ambrassador" by impwolf (the incredible mapmaker who has made the most maps and blew past me). But I also made this map to showcase brass-checkerboards, 4 creative interpretations. Fun fact: One of the puzzles in this map got broken by a settings UI change. Not even a joke.
Ice Toll: The Unoffishial Sequel introduces sea/bait, the mechanical reverse of a different mapmaker's (Vybblez, previously known as kiulu)'s 'fish' color. Short and doesn't go that deep, but I think it's a really nice exploration of the reverse of it.
Ice UV introduces UV but is also an alt-rules map (that is also consistent with regular rules though). This map's main theme plays with and deconstructs another core basegame panel aspect - the length indicators.
is a map remixing my interpretation of "Short Tree Map", it's a short alt-rules map where... let's just say there is a reason this map doesn't have a title.
Ice Anonymous is a fully grayscale map, that heavily focuses on the most unobvious types of synonym/antonyms, and every interpretation and anything in between.
Ice Peak is not yet out. It is a pile of tons of ideas for sound-in-environment puzzles (like The Witness), but they will be sound puzzles that are actually good. After this map comes out there will not exist any more good sound puzzles in the world.
Baba Is You Custom Creations
I haven't made that many, but I've made like 20 Baba Is You individual levels and two levelpacks.
Meta Spring: My first levelpack. In hindsight, it's WAY overcomplicated and laggy (first levelpack, jam deadline, blah blah blah)! I had a lot of cool ideas (and I think the springboard is satisfying to use). The second half of the pack does some incredibly unique tricks with multiletters and backgrounds that I wish the maingame did. I wish I split that second part out into its own pack in hindsight.
Color Conquest: This map takes a useless Baba property - all of the color properties, which do not have any effect in vanilla - and MAKES them have inherent effect. So "ALL FEELING GREEN" would target all the objects with green sprites in the level. Very proud of this still, many unexpected interactions are possible with this idea.
Levels (the ones I've made videos about):
Crossing The Gold River: Based on axerity's "crossing the [...]" series, this was based on one specific interaction but the level that came out had multiple intricate steps. The comment that will stick in my mind is someone took this level on Baba Is You's switch version for a roadtrip and still not solving it. is this good or bad
Not As It Seams: This level has one, extremely finely made cursed reveal, and it was original (at least I didn't see anyone else make it, though I ended up seeing some people do this after I posted mine).
Jelly Is Sticky PuzzleScript Demake: Has like ~80 levels that takes a game about sticky blocks and adds new mechanics past the 4 block types in that game.
"Confining Calendar": Made in like a day? Is so Lingo-like, there's like 2.4 jokes in it or something, and that's not enough for a game.
"Extreme S port s": It puns the game jam theme. Not very original and there's like 0.8 jokes. Blah.
Countdown Battle Advanced: This game was trying to be the super-developed version of Countdown while Wordle-likes were getting popular. The skill floor of multiplying big numbers was too high that I did not find it personally enjoyable and so I removed it, but it was a fully functioning game with statistics/graphic design. I still haven't talked about this game...
Mi⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗: Minesweeper as a top-down shooter with guns and different mechanics. It has performance issues and is a lot of work to program something this big and unfortunately I've procrastinated for months not wanting to make it. There is a playable HTML with a goal and like 60-70 upgrades implemented but I've only shown like 8 people it...
Di⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗: A mystery novel bothering me for like 5 years because it has immensely subversive and large ideas for the genre (not all of them compatible or easy to program) and I don't have the technical skill for some of the execution. Am working on a "70% as good" version that is played in HTML only. It may not get all the ideas or even all the 100 tracks of music in there. It's so sad, the music is absolutely incredible and leitmotif-filled in my opinion.
Animation vs. Math But As A Playable Game: I have literally made a working-enough version of this in like a month then barely touched the project. You are not supposed to talk about your failure to develop ideas on a page about your work, but it's a cry for help or something like that.
Double-Barrel Spaghetti: This was going to be a first-person shooter puzzle game where you use guns, but all the guns have some disgustingly stupid drawback (a revolver with immense recoil, a shotgun where 1 barrel is projectile and the other is hitscan) that can also help with puzzles. I must be one of the few who cannot use Unity as it was a struggle the entire week I made this, the link to download is inaccessible and I barely care about making it accessible.
You need to program to make a bunch of things. I hate programming but it must happen anyway.
Technically, I have written multiple pieces of mystery fiction (but I have only done so with the intent of executing on a physical trick that required a story, not out of inherent will). One of my projects is a mystery-novel I have been thinking up setpiece/plot ideas for, for like 5 years. I am able to spam making interesting scenarios, now whether I can execute on them in convincing and consistent ways, I have no idea, but I hope people enjoy them anyway.
Chess Battle Advanced
Chess Battle Advanced is an actual mind disease that has infected me because the creator has fractal insanity. It's not even supposed to be part of my content in any way. The creator of Chess Battle Advanced even infiltrated my server and comments. None of you understand. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I never intended to say this over and over. Help. Help. HELP!
I probably have over 100 amazing stories I could tell that involve the surroundings of Chess Battle Advanced. I don't know when I'll tell them, and honestly telling them might make you understand why it had this effect on me. :frog: And no, basically no one has figured out the full nature of this yet.